Location: 37th Ave. E Graham, WA 98338
Current status: Completed April 2021
Charon Drilling is constructing a new well for the Mountain View Meadows D water system. The existing well is high in manganese and on emergency standby. The new well will reestablish the original system design restore system reliability.
All construction activities will be onsite and limited to Monday through Friday 8am to 6pm. No water service interruption or outages will occur during this well drilling phase. Please be aware that there will be additional traffic and heavy equipment near the well site, and please avoid the area.
We apologize for the inconvenience. Protecting your health and safety is our highest priority. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call our Customer Service Center. We can be reached toll free at (877) 408-4060 or through the Contact Us page.