Minterbrook Water Main Improvements

Location: The north side of Creviston Dr NW between 108th Ave Ct NW and 107th Ave Ct NW

Current status: Completed December 2023

Mobilization and construction will begin September 11 on the north side of Creviston Dr NW between 108th Ave Ct NW and 107th Ave Ct NW. Washington Water construction crews will be installing a new water main to increase the overall function of the water system. At times there may be some traffic impact on the driveways on the north side of Creviston during the installation of the water main and isolation valves.

Traffic control will be implemented during construction to ensure the safety of crews and motorists. All work will be performed Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. excluding holidays. After the new water main is installed, we will be replacing the affected driveways with new asphalt. These replacements are anticipated to take a total of 4-5 hours or less.