Location: Maple and Cedar Lane, Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Anticipated completion date: March 2025
Pape & Sons Construction, Inc. is contracted to replace approximately 2,000 feet of water main on Maple and Cedar Lane and associated services. This existing water main has reached the end of its service line and resulted in numerous emergency repairs.
To construct the final tie-ins, water service interruption is anticipated. Notices will be issued to those affected at least 48 hours in advance of the outage. Chlorine will be used to sanitize all plumbing parts and materials.
Pavement and site restoration will meet or exceed existing conditions. Pavement requirements are consistent with Pierce County Standard PC.A7.1&2.
The work will be performed Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Traffic control will be implemented to allow crews to safely work in the area. Emergency vehicle access will be provided throughout all phases of construction. However, residents should plan for extra time and pay attention to where crews are working to allow safe access into and out of driveways and intersections. Please avoid the work area when possible.